Creating a Routine That Sticks!


I’ve found the phrases “morning routine” and “evening routine” to be to be a little buzzwordy lately. It’s a popular idea that can feel a little empty when it’s strictly about “carving time out to journal” or “drinking coffee and meditating”.

When we think about it just in terms of what we’re *doing*, it can be hard to make it stick. I hear clients say this all the time:

“It’s just so hard to stick to a routine” or “I just don’t have time”.

If this is you, you’re likely thinking about your routines as something you need to do or get done in order to operate at your optimal energy for the day. And half is true. We DO operate better when we have made time to ease into our day instead of exploding onto the scene.

However, many of us are missing the point. We aren’t connecting to our “why” that got us wanting a routine in the first place. Our routines aren’t sticking because we are turning them into another shallow task on our to do lists.

So how do we create a deeply sacred routine?

1. Identify the true value underneath your desire to have a routine. “I am doing this because I want to honor my value of [spiritual connection/freedom/spaciousness/play] so that I can feel _____ while I go after my big vision of _______.”

2. Create a space that supports the energy of “ritual”. Designate a spot in your house or find a place outside that you can call your connection zone and just go there. That’s it. Sometimes that’s enough.

3. STOP PUTTING PRESSURE ON YOURSELF to make your “you time” two hours long or impressively meditative or whatever they say your routine has to be. It could be 2 minutes of you taking your top off, shaking your booty and putting your hand on your heart screaming, “IM ALL YOURS UNIVERSE!” Maybe journaling and meditating isn’t your thing or it is today and isn’t tomorrow. Flow with what feels good because you’re an ever-changing being. Dance, write, feel, hum, wiggle, smell, pray, yell. Whatever feels good is for you.

Let’s get some ideas going in the comments. How do you begin and end your day and WHY? 💕

#routines #morningroutine #eveningroutine #ritual #lifecoach #goldwavecoaching #transformation #intention

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