How to Make Life Easier


Shit has been wack these past couple years. 

Sometimes we make life harder on ourselves by forcing things not meant for us or by going against our nature to try to accomplish something. 

I used to live in this struggle. Where it felt like I was trudging through molasses trying to move my life forward. Once I finally heard the universe’s call for surrender, I started to understand a new way of making life more enjoyable. I began to cultivate a deep value of “ease”. 

Like wow why am I making my life so much harder than it needs to be? Something as simple as sitting in the freezing cold when I could get up and change the thermostat. Or stubbornly carrying 100lbs of shit from my car instead of making two trips. 

And of course the bigger stuff is what I’m really talking about. Such as trying to make it in a career that never really felt right or holding onto a relationship that wasn’t meant for me or trying to prove my greatness by doing teeth-pulling jobs/tasks that I HATED doing. I couldn’t let go for fear that I would never be enough for the next thing coming. 

I was doing it all from a lack of acceptance within myself. Swimming upstream to prove my worth and be like everyone else that seemed to be good at or happy with those other things that really didn’t light ME up. 

So I started to get honest with myself. I found out what I really love to do and stopped doing the things I hated. I accepted who I was and what I was naturally great at. I asked help from others who are great at the things I’m not, realizing that we are all here to provide different gifts and how cool is that?!

Now, when I feel like I’m forcing it, I stop, drop and rollllllll right on outta there. It’s not for me in this moment… maybe ever… and that’s ok. 

Remember these tips for living with ease:

🌊 Focus on doing more of what comes naturally to you (accept and laugh off what does not)

🌊 Notice when you’re in resistance and let go (universe’s nudge for you to pivot)

🌊 Remember that you didn’t come into this body to struggle, life gives us challenges to mold us but pushing against a brick wall is going to drain our energy and leave us feeling defeated. You came here to enjoy life in the physical form!

How are you bringing more ease into your life today?

#ease #lifecoach #goldwavecoaching

Libby Christenson