Are You "Coachable"?


What does it mean to be coachable?

We are so often stuck in a perspective that limits what we're capable of. 


Being COACHABLE means you are open to change. You are looking at life with fresh eyes and willing to see new possibilities for yourself. 


Being coachable is a way of being – you accept that you don't know everything and you do your best to allow for new ways of doing/thinking about things.



1. Acknowledge your current perspective as just that – a “perspective”. It's not fact, it's not “what it is”, it's a way of looking at life and it can be changed. The first step to becoming coachable is knowing that you can change your mind about anything at any moment.


2. Be open to receiving feedback from your coach and/or your loved ones. The more willing you are to accept feedback as a growth tool the more malleable you become. Try INVITING feedback in. See how it feels to WANT to know how you could see or do things differently. It's hard to let go and change, but when it's coming from someone you love and trust, that feedback can go a long way.


3. Celebrate the change you've made thus far. Look back at all of the hardships, challenges & accomplishments you've overcome to understand how you got to where you are now. Write a list of what worked and what didn't. Note all of the qualities you pulled out in order to make those wins happen and see them as you. We can't grow forward if we don't believe it's possible, so look at how you've already grown and know you're capable of more.

4. DISRUPT THE PATTERN. Do something against social norms. Do something CONTRARY to what you would “normally” do. As long as it’s not hurting you or others (obviously), go NUTS. What is the most out of character thing you could possibly do? Do that. Dance wildly in line at the bank? Yes. Sign up for a public speaking event? Yes. Agree to go to an audition/try-outs for something you have no idea how to do? YES!!! Have fun, break out, bust out. It feels like it might kill you… but it will grow you immensely.


5. Say yes to life. Say yes to challenge. Say yes to that which you don't know. Say yes to risk. Say yes to love. Say yes to heartbreak. Say yes to all of it because it will serve you. In one way or another, it will serve you.


Take the leap and book a coaching call with me here.

1:1 coaching packages available through the website!

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