The Secret for Creating Your Dream Life


People. I gotta let you in on somethin’—

When I talk about “your dream life”… I’m not talking about money, travel, and a cool career and an Instagramable image… I’m talking about the deep resonance we feel when we’re really IN our life.

The dream isn’t just the vision for all you want to be and accomplish. It’s about settling into who you are and WHERE you are *right now*.

The secret to cultivating your dream life is realizing that you’ve already done this. You’ve manifested things that are finally here. You’ve changed in ways your teenage self could only dream of. You’ve made more money or healed more wounds or moved to the places that your younger self wished for.

And now you want more. And you should. Because being fulfilled is about being content with where you are while being eager for more. That’s the special part about being a human. We get to want and create more. But we must stop and acknowledge what we’ve already created first.

Coaching is about reaching inside to your truth, acknowledging and accepting all of yourself (and your accomplishments) to free up space for the desires you’re calling in.

There are a lot of coaches out there selling their lifestyle. “If you sign up with me you can have all of this!” Their shiny cool lavish life boasting on your feed.

I’m so happy for the coaches that have created that life for themselves— but it’s not you. It’s not your life. You may be inspired by their lifestyle (I’m inspired by it!) but it may cloud your internal vision.

Stay true to what YOU want. Know that the dream life isn’t about what you can get and look like to other people— it’s about living where you are now, being proud of it and finding the new spots that want to grow. In your special way ✨

A prompt for you:

What do you have now (emotional/financial/tangible/spiritual) that you have already manifested for yourself? Where might you already have “the dream”?

This will show you that you’re capable of more. Because you’ve already done hard things. You’ve already attracted things with ease. So there’s no reason why you can’t have everything else you’re wanting.

Fuck what anyone else is doing and go get yours. #goldwavecoaching

Libby Christenson