The January Come-Down


How's everybody doin'?

I feel like we need a check-in. 


At this point in January the holiday shenanigans have calmed down, the luster of NYE has mellowed, and now it seems all we're left with is reality and the resolutions we said we wouldn't flake on.


If you are sitting there with a heart full of desires and a head full of “wtf do I do now??” you're not alone.


It's fun and sparkly to dream up fresh ideas for a new year. We really trust ourselves to make the changes we want to make because we want it SO badly! But then we're a few weeks in and haven't started/corrected what we planned to-- and before you make yourself feel shitty about that, know it's completely normal to feel like a sitting duck right now. 


Our brains have a hard time planning for what we've never done before, so as long as you have the desire, you're on the right track.


When I have a goal or a feeling I want to cultivate I start at the top and work my way backwards. 


Imagine the ultimate peak accomplishment/feeling/vision of your best self at the top of a mountain. Then, work your way down asking yourself, “what do I need to believe about myself in order to get there?” AND “what actions need to be taken in order to get to the next elevation?”


Break it down into bite size pieces and find a way to hold yourself accountable. Commit to a program, get a friend to be your accountability buddy, join a book club, HIRE A COACH!


There are many ways to keep yourself in momentum. Obviously, I believe coaching to be the best way because it's the most fun, effective on a deeper sustainable level & wildly productive in activating ALIVENESS within you.


Want to vision hold and get the party [finally] STARTED?!




1:1 Coaching for DREAM-MAKING, CONFIDENCE & ALIVENESS is here!


Secret Dream Coaching is more important now than ever. 


Life is too fuckin' rare & special to be waiting for something amazing to happen to us. With guidance, strategy, tools & deep healing you can create absolutely anything. 


In the “Secret Dream 1:1 Coaching Program” you will:


  • Uncover what you REALLY want! That secret desire that's been whispering, “there's more out there for you”.

  • Learn how to use your natural gifts to be of GREAT service in the world

  • Access your innate confidence & intuitive powers to create a successful business doing it your F*CK'N WAY!


Listen. We've stayed small long enough. We've hushed our deep desires for long enough. Are you ready to go big with it? (Let your bravery answer that one, please.) 

Well, here's how we do it:


  1. Unlock the secret (We find out what you want)

  2. You claim it (State and own it, baby)

  3. Clear the fear (We work through mindset blocks to clear the path forward)

  4. I provide you with tools/strategies to make the dream a reality

  5. You walk away with clarity, confidence & accomplishments that bring you lasting sustainable change for your life onward.


What's included in the program:


  • 12 Weekly 50-minute coaching calls

  • Homework assignments to move you forward outside of sessions

  • Accountability check-ins

  • Unlimited support on VoxerApp between meetings

  • Access to the Goldwave Community and discounts on workshops, live events & trainings


If you're noticing your body light up while reading this, it could be a sign you're ready to make big shifts. If you feel like you're excited but kinda wanna throw up a little, that may also be a sign that you're ready. And if all you're ready for is a free call just to test the waters, I'm here for it.

Click HERE to get started!

Libby Christenson