How to Create FREEDOM in Your Mind


I want to feel free. It’s my top value.

The structures created in our society are intentionally created to make us slaves to the program. The program that keeps us distracted, financially oppressed and in constant comparison to others. It rips us away from our true divine power— the highest expression of life.

In this blog, I’m not talking about the systemic oppression designed to keep us down.

I want to encourage you to think beyond this and take responsibility for where you’ve kept YOURSELF down. Where we do have power. Where we can open ourselves to all that is possible within the matrix we live in.

We create blocks, barricades and limits in our own minds. Where are we blocking ourselves from freeing our minds to believe anything is possible and everything is made up and we can do whatever the FUCK we want?

We stop ourselves when we fear rejection and judgement from others. We put the fuckin’ wall of China up around what we think we’re capable of. We think of commitment (to a career path, a lover, a move) as a chain that keeps us locked into one identity that we have to keep forever. We don’t give ourselves permission to change our minds. It feels tight, like a trap— and we do it to ourselves.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately because I too get stuck in mindsets that keep me from feeling free.

Any thought we have that keeps us in one dynamic, in one way of being, is limiting us from our full aliveness.

So what are some of these limiting beliefs? What are the thoughts you believe are true?

Here are a few that I am here to remind you are lies. We all think them and it’s ok. But let’s start breaking them down together… to release the hold they have on you… to see that they are not real and that you are capable of overcoming them.

A limiting belief is a judgment you have about yourself that restricts you. A few might be:

  1. “I could never do something like that”

  2. “I’m not good enough”

  3. “I’ll never be successful”

  4. “It makes sense that they did it, but I never could”

  5. “I don’t have enough experience”

  6. “I don’t have enough time”

  7. “I’m not beautiful/smart/capable/ready enough”

  8. “It’s too hard to be successful. I have to work my ass to the bone to make the money I want to make in life”

An LB is typically created at a young age, where you learned that somehow you are not enough. You developed fears that people will not accept you. They popped up initially to protect you from pain, but you don’t need them anymore.

How do we get over them? Here is a step by step process to begin releasing these thoughts and cultivate a wide-open, self-loving mindset to launch you forward in life.

An exercise in freeing your mind:

  1. Write down all the negative beliefs you have about yourself. Feel free to use the above list to start brainstorming.

  2. Look at each one and notice how it makes you feel in your body. Allow the feeling to be there. Write about how it makes you feel to believe this thought.

  3. Ask yourself where you picked this up in life? (ie. I was teased in middle school for not being smart enough because I was terrible at math. My teacher told me I’d never get anywhere in life if I didn’t work harder. I picked up the beliefs that “I’m not smart” and “I have to work hard at things that don’t come naturally to me to be successful”

  4. Then, ask yourself how these thoughts protected you. (ie. I didn’t raise my hand to risk saying the wrong answer and embarrass myself in school. My brain told me I was saving myself from rejection)

  5. Next, read the belief again. Ask yourself, “can I say without a shadow of a doubt that this is true?”

    a. If the answer is no, it’s not true— then you’re in a rich spot to change it. Write 10+ examples that prove this thought is incorrect. (ie. My intelligence helped me master coaching, complete certifications and build a successful business; I have smart conversations with friends; I found what comes natural to me and my work doesn’t feel hard because I love it)

    b. If the answer is yes, it is true— ask yourself, “would I bet my life on it”? If still yes— “would I bet my (insert the person/animal you love most in the world) life on it?) If still yes— do the above exercise in 4.a. Find evidence of where this is not true. Begin the process of breaking this down, one small moment at a time.

  6. Finally, find a new statement to replace the limiting belief (LB), and forgive yourself. State out loud, “I forgive myself for believing _________(LB)_________, and the truth is ____________” (ie. I forgive myself for thinking that I’m not smart. The truth is that I am intelligent, driven and capable of achieving anything I want.)

  7. Find the statement that feels the best. It has to ring true or else it won’t feel authentic. You can shorten it and repeat it throughout your day or anytime you’re faced with a challenge. “I am intelligent”, “I give myself permission to change my mind” “I am completely innately free.” This is your soul’s voice.

  8. Notice how this new thought feels in your body. Feel the difference from thought #1 to thought #2, even if the change is slight. This is the impact thoughts have on your body.

By acknowledging the first thought, accepting where it came from and why it’s in your life, challenging it and finding the truth— you are freeing your mind (and without acid no less!).

Isn’t truth hunting fun?

Need help with this? Book a call with me to work through your blocks to make space for all that wants to come through you.

Here to support you always.


Libby Christenson