The Primal Navigation System


Intuition, inner wisdom, spiritual compass, internal guidance system, Frederico Jenkins… call it whatever you want.

All that matters is that it rings true to you as you name it and start developing a trusting relationship with it.

The Primal Navigation System is that signal within that leads you to your next right move. It tells you what’s right, what’s safe and what is going to keep you on course towards your highest brightest most aligned path.

I called it the Primal Nav because we are all born with it— It’s woven into our being and it leads us with the certainty. It is a true internal GPS that we can rely on. Its packed deep within us like a gift we get to unwrap over and over again, if we listen of course.

This navigation system will ping us with a signal when it’s time to make a decision or take action. It is a neutral knowing. There’s no fear, anxiety or overwhelm associated with it, it just is.

That’s how you know it’s internal wisdom. You may experience some excitement following a signal or even nerves knowing what you’re being called to do— but if the initial “ping” was neutral and clear, that’s the one. Follow it.

The times I have listened to my Primal Navigation System — whether it was a nudge to go to a coffee shop or a stronger sensation bringing awareness to a need for change— always led me to powerful experiences that caused me to grow, deepen and bring me closer to a sweet beautiful life.

The times where I’ve ignored it… let’s just say it took a lot longer to find my way and sometimes a more painful journey to get there.

Within your subconscious depths lie infinite wisdom, infinite power, and infinite supply of all that is necessary, which is waiting for development and expression.
— Joseph Murphy, Author of "The Power of Your Unconscious Mind"

Not listening to that inner knowing usually made the journey harder and longer. It was like swimming upstream through molasses — that’s what resistance feels like. What started as an ignored ping then got a little louder and louder until the universe provided an experience for me that I couldn’t possibly ignore.

So, sometimes the magic still happens regardless of whether you listen or get pushed. I’m clearly a proponent of listening to and following your internal guidance system to avoid the drama, pain and embarrassment that may ensue from ignorance but hey— to each their own and cheers to the fumbles and missteps along the way.

Take it from a girl who has lived life both ways:

  • You have a built-in support within you, so use it.

  • Laugh off the ignored pings and chalk up the fumbles to the hilarity of being human.

  • Do your best to learn the feeling of true neutral wisdom and TRUST it.

Here are some ways you can connect with that guidance within:

  1. List all the times (get specific) in which you DID listen to your intuition. You felt the inner knowing (light, clear, unemotional, calm, right) to do something and you did. What happened?

  2. List the specific times you did NOT listen to that inner knowing. What can you remember happened?

  3. Sit quietly and breath into your lower body. Ask yourself a neutral question — one without any emotion attached that can be answered with “yes” or “no”. For example, “should I go to the grocery store?” or even, “is my name Libby?” and feel for what the “yes” or “no” feels like. Remember you will feel it in your heart, belly or lower abdomen. If the answer is coming from your head or has a lot to say, it’s not your intuition.

  4. If you’re unsure about a person or a decision: try sitting silently again, dropping down into the body (imagine an elevator taking you from the mind, down through the center of the body and into the deepest core of you) and ask, “how do I feel about this person/decision”. Become aware of the first feeling, sensation or image that appears as you ask that question. Stick with your first impression and trust your PRIMAL gut feeling.

  5. Our internal guidance system is most clear when we are clear. Practicing meditation daily will allow you to feel that signal with even more strength and certainty. It’s a powerful super skill to be able to hear and follow that feeling as soon as it happens. You will also need to practice not giving a f*ck what anyone thinks about your decision because intuition isn’t derived from logic. People (and you) might not be able to make sense of it. But that doesn’t matter— if you feel it, it is correct.

    Clear your mind, feel the feeling, trust and GO.

Need help with this? That’s what we do in 1:1 coaching! I’m trained in helping people connect to this inner guidance and we do not make ANY decisions unless it comes from this place. Book a call with me below to become a JEDI in trusting your gut. Can’t wait to meet you!

Libby Christenson