How to Set COURAGEOUS Goals


There are “goals” and then there are “COURAGEOUS goals”.

What’s the difference and how do we set them?

We hear the word “goals” in the coaching industry a lot. It’s how we measure where we are and where we want to go, but it’s easy to throw wishes at the page and hope they unfold with desire alone.

Often we under AND overshoot our ambitions at the same time.

We might sell ourselves short by setting goals that are inevitably underway (ie. “getting my certification” after you’ve already signed up for the program) or something we are sure we won’t fail at (ie. “eating healthier” which is broad and could be considered accomplished after one salad), while making large declarations for our life down the road without any accountability or intention to get there (ie. “make tons of money someday”).

While all these goals are worthwhile and brave, COURAGEOUS goal-setting is different.

Don’t be afraid of your fears. They’re not there to scare you. They’re there to let you know that something is worth it.
— C. JoyBell C.

It is specific, chills-inducing and requires you to go deep within yourself. When you go BIG you touch your growing edge and know at your core that you are boundless.


Courageous goals change you. They are outrageous and frightening— the ones that make your hair stand up and send shivers of awe through your body.

When I ask my clients what they want, THIS is what I’m talking about.

If you’ve been feeling too comfortable in life, where everything’s just “good”, cozy and familiar… then it’s time to set some COURAGEOUS goals.

So how do we do this?

You might ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Imagine it’s a year from now and you considered this year the BEST of your life. What would have happened?

  2. If fear of failure didn’t exist in your body, how would you fucking GO FOR IT!?

  3. How will you know when your life feels 100% fulfilled?

  4. Is this goal FREAKY enough to blast me forward towards my highest potential? (feel scared, but with an underlying expansive excited current)

Once you get a sense of what would make you feel MOST alive, get specific.

Ask yourself:

  1. What exactly does this goal look like?

    a. What am I doing every day?

    b. What do I GET to do with this dream accomplished?

    c. Who do I become?

  2. How would achieving this goal grow me for the better?

  3. How could others be impacted for the better if I accomplish this?

  4. What the HELL am I waiting for??

    — No really, what is it EXACTLY that you’re waiting for? Is it readiness? Is it money? Is it bravery? All of this provides clues for the steps you need to take to make this happen. You might need to focus on mindset/perspective or actionable income generating/saving strategies.

  5. What’s the first thing I need to do in order to get momentum going on this? (Don’t dick out! Think about the big clunky thing that you’re most afraid of doing and have a friend or a coach hold you to it! The rest of the steps will be revealed every new level you hit).

Finally, put intentions behind your goal:

  1. Why do I want this?

  2. If its money or materials — where is it going? What’s it for? What will it provide for you and others?

  3. How does this goal connect to my deepest values?

Now— and this is important— if there’s any shame around wanting what you want… practice claiming your dream over and over and over again with your intention in mind. If you want it, you were meant to have it. Allow allow allow. It’s in you and wants you too.

After you break it all down, you might realize… it’s actually possible.


You might notice some beliefs come up about your ability to achieve your courageous goals.

That’s all normal.

I help my clients work through these thoughts so they can get out of their own fucking way and have EVERYTHING they came here to enjoy.

We have this one life. Are you living it?

If you want to deepen and JUMP big into your life, you know where to find me. (hint hint)

Use the contact form and let me know how this writing exercise felt for you! I’m a junky for dream listenin’ so let me know what you’ve been dreaming up lately, I’d love to hear it.

Your coach through life,


Libby Christenson