Getting into the Right Vibration


When I’m overwhelmed with tasks and feeling like I’m falling behind, it can sometimes put me in a state of low self worth and anxiety

— even if the tasks are literally just household chores and taking care of my dog— I still tend to tie my self-worth to productivity. It’s a mindset I have to be aware of every single day.

There are a few things I’ll do to put myself into a better vibration when I’m in this state. It’s important to clarify that it is not normal nor is it healthy to expect yourself to go from “anxious & overwhelmed” to “light, unbothered and in absolute BLISS!” after these exercises are finished.

The point is to slowly move the needle from the lower end of the emotional guidance scale to at least a notch or two above. Meaning you may go from content to hopeful or just depressed to frustrated and that’s GREAT because you’re moving closer to a better feeling than you were in before. It’s not about being in perfect bliss all the time, these tools are for you to become aware of how you’re feeling and develop a personal process that you can do on your own to feel better.

SO, in addition to the Universe To-Do List that I use when I need to word vomit everything swirling around in my head and get it on paper to organize, prioritize and decide what actions I need to take vs. what I need to give up to God/universe/divine— I also do the following:

  1. I PURGE IT ALL OUT: I write out my to-do list with every last thing swirling around in my head. I use the Uni-To-Do PDF to get all my thoughts out and take the pressure off my own mind to remember ANYTHING. The emptier my brain is, the better I operate & the lighter I feel. Yes, I still have the list to accomplish but I can trust that it’s all on there and feels much more approachable now. (Sometimes we find the list is a lot longer or shorter than we thought, but our brains like to make up stories/feelings about whats rumbling around in our heads. At least now we have the truth! Ah, sweet clarity!)

  2. PRIORITIZE THE HEAVIEST ONE: Look through the list and ask yourself, is any of this as life-threatening as my mind has been making it feel? No? Great. Let that relief sweep over you and coddle you with safety and warmth. Trust me, the life-threatening most important tasks WILL get done if you’re a human with functioning instinct. Now identify the top 3 things on that list that you’ve been avoiding the longest, the ones that feel heavy, scary or most annoying to deal with AND DO THOSE FIRST. You might find they are not even hard to handle, we humans just have certain quirks about certain things! Me for example, my big avoidances are my car (keeping it clean, taking it to the dealership, looking up what the service light even means?) and opening physical mail. Is it terrifying in that envelope? No. It just requires me to take extra steps that frankly I’d rather not know about. But schedule a doctor’s appt, clean the house, get groceries and do admin work for my business? I’m your girl! We all have our shit so don’t judge yourself. Just get the heaviest ones out of the way first and I promise you, you will feel lighter and move into a more accomplished, brighter, better vibration.

  3. WRITE OUT WHAT’S WORKING/WHAT’S GOING RIGHT: Sorry to add to your already long to-do list… but this homework will make you feel like the competent powerhouse you are and hopefully show you that whether you get it all done or take a nap on your couch, you’re doing fucking great. I want you to list everything that’s going right in your life. It can be as basic as “my refrigerator works” or “I drank more water today” and as profound as “I’m working towards something I care about” or “I take care of myself so much better now than I did 10 years ago” or “I said no/I said yes!”. Whatever feels like a gift or progress to you, list it out. This list cannot be too long.

  4. NAME ALL THAT YOU ARE PROUD OF: Write down as much as you can from your entire life (or focus on the past 5 years if that feels better) that you are proud of. Sure, you can write proud accomplishments here, but I want to encourage you to identify the qualities in you that have nothing to do with productivity and “results”. As you are, you are enough. Practice that knowing.

  5. NEXT BEST THOUGHT GAME: This is a great one for moving your vibration gently and swiftly. The most important part of this game is to only say what rings TRUE to you. If you’re lying to yourself or jumping too far into a feeling that doesn’t resonate, your body will know and it will feel worse.

    a. First, focus upon one good thought or feeling. Something true and simple like, “this blanket feels warm on my legs”.

    b. Now think of another good thought/feeling (ie. comfortable temperature in the house, water tastes good and feels nourishing) and keep going until it builds upon itself.

    c. As you continue with this momentum you might notice the good feeling turns to something of gratitude (ie. “and I’m so lucky to have this blanket and working heat and clean water to drink”)

    d. Be honest (aka don’t jump from this blanket is nice to AND IM SO HAPPY AND AMAZED BY MY PERFECT LIFE). Keep going until you reach a vibration you’re happy with and sit with that newfound appreciation you have for yourself and your life.

    e. Bonus points to play it with a friend! Just take turns going back and forth until you’ve built a bigger momentum together)

I hope these 5 suggestions help you feel empowered to tune to a different frequency on your own and anytime you want. You are capable of reframing your perspective and shifting your own vibration. Let me know how these work for you! And as always, if you want help with this— come find me on the bookings page. I’d love to work with you!

Libby Christenson