How to ACTUALLY Manifest


Making Shit Happen

Look, I get it. The word “manifestation” has been way overused, overdone and made to sound like a privileged cop-out from white women with “lucky girl syndrome”. I want to write this blog to get back to the root of why this practice is so awesome and how we can use it to the best of our ability.

ANYONE can manifest and it’s all about mindset. When we get our hearts and minds involved, when we can truly feel it— we are co-creating with the universe. Everything is made up of energy and particles are constantly bouncing around and off each other. So if we make a move, the energy around us makes a move and we create a ripple effect of impact. Once you get ahold of that… shit gets wild.

Manifestation is a powerful tool that can ACTUALLY bring your dreams and desires to life. It's all about setting intentions, visualizing what you want, and taking action to make it happen. But manifesting doesn't have to be an unoriginal or annoying process – it can be a truly magical, blow your mind, wtf just happened kind of experience and when you trust yourself and strengthen that mani-muscle— there’s nothing you can’t create.

In this blog, we'll explore how to manifest in a fun, alive, vibrant way that WORKS.

1) Get Clear on What You Want

The first step to manifesting in a fun authentic way is to get clear on what you want. Take some time to think about YOUR desires and dreams, not the influencer’s idea of a dream or your parent’s wish for you— what do you want to create in YOUR life? As long as it is deeply true for you, you will become a magnet for what your soul is craving.

Once you have a clear idea of what you want, write it down in a journal or create a vision board. (I know that sounds so 2010 but honestly I LOVE using pinterest to exercise my creativity and SEE what I’m imagining in my head). Use bright colors and fun images to make it feel REAL, vibrant and exciting.

If you’re not clear on exactly what that dream life looks like, focus on the FEELING you want to call in. Maybe you’re not sure if you want to live in the city or in the mountains so imagine the feeling you’re searching for, maybe it’s “ease” or “joy” or “peace”, feel into that and ask for that. It will show up in ways you could have never imagined.

2) Visualize Your Dreams

Visualization is a powerful manifestation technique because it works on an energetic and neuroscientific level.

Simply put, the brain has the same activity when it visualizes doing an action as it does when it is physically performing the action. By using visualization daily, your brain will more readily allow any opportunities to meet your goals into your conscious awareness. Here’s how: the RAS is a bundle of neurons that have several functions, including being a gatekeeper that decides what information is brought into your conscious awareness.” - Dr. Amy Palmer, Neuropsychologist

Take some time each day to visualize yourself already LIVING IT. Imagine what it FEELS like to have achieved your goals and desires. Use your imagination to create a vivid, vibrant picture in your mind.

To make it feel even more real, you can add music or dance to your visualization practice. This will help raise your vibration and not only make it more enjoyable, but you will almost immediately become a vibrational match to that which you are wanting.

Here are some things to feel into during your visual (or visual-journaling, visual-dancing) experience:

  • What is your day like?

  • What are your relationships like?

  • What is your living situation like?

  • What do you smell, hear, taste, feel, intuitively sense?

  • What are you wearing?

  • How does it feel?

Stop and take note of how you’re feeling. Describe it.

3) Start Small

In order to build our trust muscle and gain confidence in the fact that YES, you can manifest— you might want to start small. This means not trying to manifest the big thing that carries the most weight (usually we attach a lot of pressure to love & money). When we assign value to something we desire it more, which is a good thing. But if it leans into needing or desperation or “lack mentality” then we are only pushing it away. This isn’t to say don’t manifest the big things you want, but start with something neutral like manifesting seeing a red balloon. You don’t give a f*ck about a red balloon so you’re more likely to see one.

When we keep it light, ask for what we want and trust that the universe has it in the works, we are a vessel for attraction and receiving. The key to manifesting is trust. So surrender, lean into “the bigger thing” and let go of the outcome.

4) Take Inspired Action

Manifesting is not just about visualizing – it's also about taking inspired action. This means taking steps towards your goals and desires that feel like a HELL YES. Inspired action is that aligned joyful yet centered feeling you get when you’re on the right path. When you take action that feels right, you plug into source energy and click into the flow of the universe. Sounds woo woo, because it is. Deal with it. It works.

If you’re not sure what kind of action to take, ask the universe to guide you to do “the next right thing”, make a list of all the actions you could take that could bring you closer to this vision, and create a strategy for CO-CREATION with the universe! Because the Universe is not Santa Clause and your manifestations are not a wish list! You have to step forward to shift the energy. If you’re having a hard time with this, get support from a friend or hire a coach! You just need someone who believes in you. Take action when it’s lighting you up.

5) Celebrate Your Wins

Manifestation is not always an instant process – it can take time to see results. But PLEASEEEE— celebrate along the way! Celebrating your wins, no matter how small, is how you begin to trust the process and literally see to believe that it’s possible.

When you celebrate your wins, you're showing yourself you can create out of thin air. You can celebrate in whatever way feels nourishing to you. This is an important part not only for your skill level but also because you deserve acknowledgement. You should be proud of yourself for knowing you deserve more. This doesn’t mean you’re ungrateful or discontent. We can be grateful, satisfied, happy and eager for more! That’s what the gift of human life is all about! Let’s enjoy.


"Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."

- Carl Jung


In conclusion, manifesting is a badass and powerful skill to possess. By getting clear on what you want, visualizing your dreams, taking inspired action, starting small and celebrating your wins, you can make it a magical experience. So, let's get started and create everything you’ve ever wanted.

And as always, if you want help with this— I’m HERE FOR YOU. Book a free coaching call to get started here. Can’t wait to meet you!

Libby Christenson