Why You Never Need to “Find Yourself”


“Find yourself.”

There’s a lot of pressure in that statement. First it implies that you’re somehow hidden, incomplete or somewhere other than where you are— out of this current moment. Next, it demands that you find all of who you are with urgency, as if finding yourself completes the mission and you’ve made it. Whatever that means.

I’m starting to really fall in love with the juicy✨surprises✨ that come with self-discovery. I used to feel shame when I didn’t know something and I still fight the urge to “have it all figured out by now”. Now I have a little more curiosity towards what I don’t know. Have you ever been shocked by your own answer to a question? Or satiated when you finally nail down a preference with certainty? Or when your best friend calls you out on a lazy false statement and says “dude no you don’t” and I’m like “yo yeah I don’t”. That’s livin’ dog. That’s sexy.

We put so much pressure on ourselves to “know” who we are with finality but where’s the fun in that? Where’s the mystery in that? What’s the point of being alive if we didn’t ALWAYS have more to explore? What if we let go of the need to know or find, and instead delight in the uncovering of self. I don’t want to find myself at 27. Get curious about and deepen, yes. Find? 👋🏼👋🏼 right here brotha!

☝🏼 New fact I learned about myself today: I cannot spell the word “rhythm” without autocorrect and probably will never learn how.

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