How I'm Processing Change

Resting in time & space to recommit to self.

I’ve been taking a beat in silence for the past few months. A tsunami of change launched me into redirection and rather than fight it, I lifted my legs and allowed myself to be moved— a skill that could only develop from having experienced pain in resistance and freedom in surrender.

When you’re in the middle of big change sometimes it’s best to keep it close. To feel into the outrageous pain, learn from it and hide out for a while. I’ve been learning not to refuse the change but to be part of it. Shits not easy but resistance is a lot harder.

Quietness in solitude has been helping me process. As well as:

-letting safe people see me cry/witness my emotions and hold space for them
-early morning ocean swims
-listening to my elders’ wisdom (I mean the real oldies, thank god for you)
-knowing your truth isn’t for others to understand. Let that be so.
-when I feel it, let myself feel it, knowing nothing stays the same— feelings included.
-social media break
-laughing, biking, star gazing and eating with my hands. Being a little kid in the summer again.
-journaling first thing in the morning and at night
-sitting silently by water

(I offer these in case anyone needs ideas. These have been working for me.)

And while I have been missing connecting with fellow creators and builders, I’ve needed to fully experience this internal movement in private.

I’ve been thinking about you all and pouring my love into the collective transformation I know many of us are experiencing. Just know you’re not alone.

I’m slowly moving out of this so I’ll be continuing to honor the “offline” mentality for the month of August, ready to reopen doors for new clients in September. I know this time will allow me to show up stronger for those who are grieving, changing & building, so stay tuned.

You can still book connection calls to reserve your spot for the fall. I will be selective with who I work with so come READY.

See you on the other side 🌊

#lifecoach #businesscoach #aspiringcoach #leadership #healing #change #goldwavecoaching #dreamlifestyle #freedom #phish #dance #childlikewonder #joy #free